Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 10, 2008 - Desktop Still Life 1

It's cold, gray and raining. It's been that way all week. Almost worse than getting a bunch of snow. I was filling lamp orders and got distracted. Listening to a audio book called "Heart Shaped Box" about a heavy metal rock star who buys a ghost at an online auction. Strange.

This is a picture of my desk at the moment. An artist's studio in detail. The central object is a little sculpture I created a couple years ago. I think it was going to be a birthday gift for a friend but it never happened. Structure. Well, it's part of the landscape now. (there's another view below). It's amazing to me how inspirations come and go. Fleeting ideas. This one may lead to some variations.

On the right is a lamp I'll be sending out within the week. More lamps in the background. A few cherry dowel rods across the frame. Fake flowers. Over time you'll have a pretty good look at all the interesting nooks and crannies of my studio…and me probably. Have a great day.

Friday, April 4, 2008

April 4, 2008 - Worth a 1000 words

Check out the web site If you're into image manipulation or just like to see the amazing things that can be done by very creative people you'll love this site. This is a "contest website" where people submit creative images in many categories, like "Vintage Ads", which gave participants 48 hours to create an ad for a modern product using vintage advertising motifs. There are many other categories and you can spend a lot of time going through the galleries. It looks like you can also sponsor a contest. The top image is a winner from the "Vintage Ad" contest. Below is an image from "Edible Architecture".

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

April 3, 2008 - In Memorial

A sad and premature end to a life that once seemed so bright.
My thoughts and prayers to her family and friends.