Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22, 2008 - For those into gadgets, large expensive ones

The Trilobis 65 is a 65 ft semi-submerged floating home designed by Giancarlo Zema, an Italian Navel architect. It has four levels and offers two single and two double bedrooms, each with a private bath. It has a fully submerged observation bulb in the lowest level that provides a 360 degree view underwater. Perhaps Neiman Marcus will offer this in their next holiday catalog, if they haven't already. It's on my wish.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

May 17, 2008 - Ah Spring


Spring has sprung in Madison. And it seems so much more glorious after the long harsh winter we went through this year. The flowering trees are booming with blossoms, more abundant than I can ever remember.

With Spring comes the Farmer's Markets. The most well known is on the capitol square. Here are some pics I took this morning while picking up my breakfast, pumpkin and almond scones. Bakery booths are all too abundant and it's hard not to stop at every one to check out the fare. And Morel mushrooms. Luckily good friends brought some to me from my home state of Indiana so I didn't have to pay the $35 a pound price this year. Thanks Katie and Dave! And the flowers! It was a perfect morning.

Enjoy the pics. If you look back a few months you can compare this mornings photo of my block to the one in the depths of winter. It's a good reminder.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

May 10, 2008 - Been busy

Hi all. It's been way too long since my last post. Been busy. As many of you know I'm a freelance graphic designer as well as an artist. The design side has taken over my life, which is good and bad. It pays the bills but takes me away from making lamps. I have two art fairs coming up; the Lakefront Festival of the Arts in Milwaukee on June 20-22, and my home town's own Art Fair on the Square on 
July 12-13. 

I want to congratulate the One Family Campaign for the Goodman Atwood Community Center for last night's gala event sponsored by Merrill Lynch. I was proud to donate a lamp to the silent auction. (The photo above is a quick shot of the front and back). Congratulations to the new owners and thanks for supporting the Goodman Center. I had a great time. Also a big congratulations to my friend Kristin Groth who, I'm quite sure, put a lot of work into the making the event a big success. 

It's the weekend and I'm taking a break from design work to build some lamps. I'm currently working on a smaller version of the Bo lamp. And it's coming along well. I'll post some pics when next time.