I loved Ellen Page's performance in the movie "Juno." So I did a quick search on Netflix to see what other movies she's done. She's very young so I didn't expect a lot of choices. I ran across "Hard Candy." Looked interesting. Liked the actors. Put it in the queue.
I started watching and was immediately uncomfortable. Basically it starts with a close-up of on-line texting, setting up a date. You quickly learn that the "date" is between a 14 year-old girl and an older man. She seems incredibly innocent and gullible. He's handsome, charming, and reeling her in. And so you cringe knowing this can't end well. And it gets worse. She gets in his car and goes home with him. At this point I'm ready to call it quits but I stick around a bit more and the movie takes a sudden 180 degree turn. And even saying that may give something away. That's the problem with writing about this movie. It's too easy to give something away. But there's more than one twist and if you stick it out you'll probably find it hard to stop watching even though it's definitely disturbing, gut wrenching, provocative, and controversial. In this day of on-line preditors this will definitely get a discussion going about who's the real victim.
This is a movie that you will love or hate but it can't help but make you think. Watch at your own risk. And Ellen Page is excellent.
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